Knowledge is good, but there is a vast difference between “knowledge” (having the facts) and “wisdom” (applying those facts to life). We may amass knowledge, but without wisdom our knowledge is useless. We must learn how to live out what we know.
How does David beat Goliath? By applying wisdom to the facts of war. Goliath shows up with armor and swords. David figures that if he puts on all this armor, he won’t be able to move, let alone win the battle, so he fights by using a slingshot. Focusing on where Goliath lacks the protective armor.
Everyone sees things through the lens of their life span. How we perceive people or events will determine how we label them. The labels influence whether we trivialize or uplift them. We then value or devalue them by our actions.
“The same sun that melts the wax also hardens the clay. And the same Gospel which melts some persons to repentance hardens others in their sins”
– Charles Spurgeon
Our Why
To provide the tools & processes that will help people in many walks of life discern the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding needed to reach their DESTINY on this journey called life.
Our How
Partnering with nonprofits, churches, parachurches, businesses and multi-sector organizations to provide transformative experiences.
Our What
Our methods start with a model for crossing cultural, denominational, political, and racial boundaries to see the presence of God in everyone.
People make hundreds of decisions every day that have a multiplicative effect on their future. We disrupt the status quo by helping leaders identify and clarify the effect of those decisions.
Most students are gifted to achieve when properly guided and supported. We ensure that their understanding of peer pressure is grounded in exposures that develop their critical thinking skills. The key is to focus on a future larger than their school, block or community.
As imitators of Jesus, we will identify people according to how Jesus identified them, led by the gospel and not by worldviews or our inclinations. Jesus’ ministry has roots in grace expressed primarily through the quality of presence – the way He chose to be present and engage in relationship building.