Pulling Down Strongholds – Part I

Dr. I. David Byrd,  March 15, 2020

If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. . . ”                    1 Cor 13:1-13
The perniciousness of this world renders too many Christians invisible in our society. There is an assumption that only certain groups are “true” followers of Christ and represent the moral compass. This fatal flaw weakens our witness and causes nonbelievers to look at religion, in the vernacular of the young people, “side eyed“. Differences in doctrine causes Christians to treat each other in ways that cause the unbeliever to think – why would I want to be part of that? We often forget that every human and every human system is corrupted by sin. Sin causes us to place hope in earthly leaders and political parties in which no final hope exists. Moral or immoral has been replaced by winning arguments through political agendas that are creating a divided Church. We have forgotten the fact that Jesus came to win hearts, not arguments!
Please welcome our first guest writer, Robert L. Deffinbaugh who teaches us that,
“While all Christians now share in the “unity of the Spirit” (Ephesians 4:3), we do not all share in the “unity of the faith” (Ephesians4:13). We Christians disagree, in part at least, because as 1 Corinthians 13: 9-12 tells us, our knowledge is partial and incomplete. We tend to disagree over those things we do not fully know, even though we may believe we do know. Love is the means God provided for us to live in harmony and unity, even though there is a diversity of doctrine in matters which are not fundamental. Paul’s instruction on love then becomes absolutely vital to our Christian walk and to our Christian unity. If we want to discover what that difference is, we shall find it less in a distinctive semantic range of a particular word group than in the descriptions and characteristics of love given in the Scriptures.
Paul’s approach to teaching us about love is very different. He does not instruct us about the importance of distinguishing between Greek words for love. He begins in verses 1-3 by showing that spiritual gifts have only minimal value, unless they are exercised in love. In verses 4-7, Paul does not attempt to give us a very technical definition of love; instead, he describes love in a way which makes it very clear what biblical love looks like. And his description makes it glaringly evident that the Corinthians had indeed lost their first love.”
We see this today, as some Christians have adopted a self-fulfilling kind of love instead of the self-sacrificing love of Jesus. It is impossible to have this love unless God helps us set aside our own natural desires so that we can love and not expect anything in return. Here is what I mean:
  • Love is patient vs.  jumping to social media to pronounce it’s discontent.
  • Love is kind vs. allowing attacks and sarcasm to infiltrate our language.
  • Love does not envy vs. disguising our envy with spiritual criticism of other Jesus’ followers.
  • Love is not proud vs. a failure to show compassionate servant leadership.
  • Love does not dishonor others vs. falling into the trap of throwing shade at another person’s success to put in question how valid their excellence truly is.
  • Love involves unselfish service to others vs. a focus on every person for themselves.
Sin causes us to think more highly of our selves than we ought. And our desires become our idols; strongholds! To assume “we” are right and “they” are wrong; Strongholds! To assume “we” know better what someone needs to do than “they” do; Strongholds! To believe “we” can win souls to Christ by controlling “them”; Strongholds!
These examples aren’t for just anyone. It’s the plea of an early church leader to Jesus’ followers. His plea? That those who follow Jesus may be extremely odd because of their care and concern for all people – which is only possible as we walk in the power of Jesus.
Jesus, please help me in these areas today. I sometimes get caught up and lose sight of the fact that our identity in and loyalty to you transcends political allegiance and personal agendas. Help me to love as you love. Our love for one another should be a shining example to the world.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


I Can’t Do This Alone – Part III

Dr. I. David Byrd,  March 1, 2020
Pastor Sheffield teaches, “To the disciples who were as disconcerted about their lives as we often are about ours, Jesus said: You don’t have to do this alone!


“The Holy Spirit will come and help you,
because the Father will send the Spirit
to take my place …
So don’t be worried or afraid”
John 14:26-27 CEV


The teaching in John takes us back before the crucifixion, when Jesus’ disciples were, perhaps, only beginning to realize the political realities of Jesus’ situation. It wasn’t any easier than it is for you or me for Jesus to fight “City Hall.” It wasn’t any easier than it is for you or me for Jesus to stand for right in face of wrong. It wasn’t any easier than it is for you or me for Jesus to make hard decisions. And the Bible never tells us it will get easier. What it does tell us is that when it gets harder, we can hold fast to God’s promise to be with us and not to leave us hanging out there alone. Jesus knew full well that those who hang in there sometimes get hung out to dry, and even hung on a cross to die. He is not denying that reality. He is pointing to a greater reality — the presence of God with you and me, knowing full well how hard it is for you and me to hear it.



English tends to limit our understanding of the role of God’s Spirit with us. The New Revised Standard Version translates the Holy Spirit as “Advocate”, one who stands up for us, who speaks out for us, who acts on our behalf. But even that doesn’t go far enough in telling us what it means to say the Spirit of God is with us. The Greek word parakletos, means to be with you forever. Yes, he stands up for us, but the “Paraclete” that Jesus promised is also the one who comforts us and holds us accountable and exhorts us to do the same for each other. To do the same for each other is to do what Jesus said, when he said, “If you love Me, you will do as I command. Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you” (John 14:15 CEV). What He’s telling you is He’ll be there for you even when it seems in what you do, you’re all alone.”


Father, we are thankful for the earthly community that supports us in times of trouble. And we are even more thankful for the Holy Spirit you have sent to ensure we don’t have to live life alone. We repent for being so prideful to think we can handle life on our own; that we don’t need anyone with which to share our burdens.


In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Faithful To Me

Dr. I. David Byrd, January 15, 2020

We have become so conditioned to the influx of marketing around New Year’s resolutions, that the word “resolution” itself has virtually lost its meaning for most of society. Researchers say that 89% of resolutions are dropped by the end of February. This can be your year to shift from resolutions to lifestyle changes. One of my favorite parts of turning the calendar to January is seeing all the blank spaces to be filled.  An opportunity to restart, reset or readjust my life plan. I’ve heard it said that life is to be lived looking forward, but it is to be understood looking backwards. So, before we begin to fill in the spaces with our resolutions, goals and to dos, let’s pause to reflect and give God praise for 2019.


 I can confidently say, God has been faithful. In my life I find that through every pain and every tear there’s a God that’s been faithful to me. When friends turned their back and walked away, still He has been faithful to me. I admit that in my heart many times I questioned His will and I failed to believe, but He has been faithful to me. When my strength was all gone and when my heart had no song, still He was faithful to me. When my heart looked away from Him. The many times I could not pray, still in life He proved faithful to me. The days I spent so selfishly reaching out for what pleased me. Still He has proved faithful to me. The lyricist said, “morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hand has provided. Great is they faithfulness Lord unto me.”


I hope you can start 2020 by recognizing He has and will be faithfulness to you in the midst of all you will face.


Dear God, You have done so many things for me, saved me from so many dangers, toils and snares. As I go through this year, may I be so filled with Your praises that I cannot help but tell others what You have done for me!


In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen


Thank you for allowing me to speak into your life. Hey, spend a few moments of quiet time discovering your personal application of what you just read by clicking this link  myTime with God


Can We Just Talk?


Dr. I. David Byrd, December 1, 2019
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,
so that you may know how to answer everyone.”                 Col 4:6
Civility dies when you give up the right to have dialogue without trying to destroy the other person. The starting point for repairing our fractured country is how we interact with others.


First, our conversation should be an instrument of grace even to those who we don’t think deserve it. Paul uses the word “grace”, which most often refers to unmerited favor for those who are ill-deserving. Paul anticipating our sinful nature qualified this phrase with “always”.


Second, our conversations should be seasoned with “salt ”. Salt makes meat acceptable to the discerning palate and is a preservative that draws out bad organisms that can cause meat to decay. Once salt loses its chemical properties it is of no value. If the “flavor” of our conversation is saltless we are useless to God, of no value in bringing out people’s best tendencies and preventing their worse.


  • Deliberately seek to influence the people in your life by showing them the unconditional love of Christ through good deeds (Matthew 5:13)
  • Demonstrate the counterculture to language that demeans, degrades, divides and leads to societal moral decay. (Mark 9:50)
  • Witness to unbelievers being well prepared and focused on building others up according to their individual needs with purity of motive. (Col 4:6)


What a privilege God has given us to be in dialogue with others. Use it for God’s glory. It’s the evidence of the call upon our lives.


Your Word tells us we are to be a people set upon a hill; bringing light to the darkness of this world. Help us to live out the grace you provided to us. To not withhold conversation from anyone You put in our path.


In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


Thank you for allowing me to speak into your life. Hey, spend a few moments of quiet time discovering your personal application of what you just read by clicking this link  myTime with God

Beware of Strangers

Dr. I. David Byrd, November 15, 2019


“Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers
for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Hebrews 13:1


Reflect on the ways in which you demonstrate love for others, even those that are different than you. Scripture calls us to love strangers and to bring them into our family. To receive and embrace those who do not share our faith and our values. The greatest way to get to know someone and evidence the love of Christ is to demonstrate biblical hospitality. The Greek word for hospitality is philoxenia, which means “lover of strangers”.


A relationship with Jesus is the sole source of hope for the world and God longs to use us to love the strangers around us so that they might enter into relationship with Him. Apart from God, our natural propensity is to avoid interacting with anyone we don’t know. But that is not the life our heavenly Father calls us to live. We are not called to keep this free gift of salvation for ourselves, but to share it with those strangers God is beckoning to himself.


It’s been said that food can unite, strengthen community bonds and help maintain a common identity among a group of people. Food will be the center of attention at most upcoming holiday celebrations or parties. The dinner table is a time to pause and relish in the ritual of passing food and sharing stories. Demonstrate Biblical hospitality by inviting someone who does not look, think or act like you to your holiday dinner table. It’s not just about opening your home, it’s about opening your heart.


Thank you for loving and pursuing me. Place a name, or even a few names on my heart that I might invite to the dinner table in order to hear their story and tell them your story. 
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen


Thank you for allowing me to speak into your life. Hey, spend a few moments of quiet time discovering your personal application of what you just read by clicking this link  myTime with God

Stay In Peace, Not In Pieces

Dr. I. David Byrd October 15, 2019


Because of Peter’s decision to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and bring the Gospel to the Gentiles, all of humankind has the opportunity to live in relationship with our Lord and Savior. Our common identity in Christ can lead to the healing of our divided and sinful nation. “He made no distinction between us and them, for He purified their hearts by faith” (Acts 15:9).


In The Book of Acts, F. Bruce provides a poignant summary for believer to contemplate:
“Like the early church, If believers today do their part to reach out to all who are lost, church congregations will eventually be compromised of people from different racial and cultural backgrounds. When this happens, we most often see our propensity to label and categorize. We are most comfortable with those who are just like us. Clearly, at the root of these tendencies is the ugly sin of prejudice. The more we understand the gospel and embrace God’s version of the body of Christ, the more we begin to transcend these differences. More than merely getting along, we will be able to honestly and authentically say from our hearts that we love each other.”


Are you in a mindset to be used to accomplish God’s purpose in someone whose experiences differ from your own?


Father God,


Throughout your Word you declare, define and demonstrate love. I admit it’s hard to sometimes love people I feel are different or don’t deserve my love. However, I can’t truly love you if I can’t love those you love. So today, I repent and ask you to renew my heart and mind so I may witness to the world through my actions as well as my words.


In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Thank you for allowing me to speak into your life. Hey, spend a few moments of quiet time discovering your personal application of what you just read by clicking this link  myTime with God


Faith On Trial


Dr. I. David Byrd October 1, 2019


Our study picks us with Peter having seen the possibility of the presence of God in a culture not his own. He was willing to set aside his communities presuppositions, prejudices and pride to live out his calling. The Jews wanted the Gentiles to acculturate into their way of life before they would accept them and they believed this was necessary before they could be saved (Acts 11:2). The Jews prioritized certain beliefs in the Law of Moses and felt they could judge and legislate who was saved by application of those selected laws. Peter must give an account for his actions!


In Acts 15, the Jews met at the Council of Jerusalem to discuss this question of those they considered different, the “other”. The Jews were determined to show Peter the law was on their side and he was wrong for focusing on “those other” people, especially Gentiles. Scripture says they “argued forcefully”. My study revealed this meant they had serious theological differences, debate, discord and disunion. Sounds similar to the infighting of the Church today?


Nevertheless, Peter put the law in its proper perspective. The law identifies all our sins and points us to Christ (Gal 3:19 – 29). Peter knew we are saved only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not forceful application of laws upon individuals. Peter also knew that Jesus had given two commandments to clarify the Law of Moses and guide the interpretation of it in our actions. In Matthew 22: 37 – 39 Jesus commanded us,


“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 
This is the greatest and first commandment.
And a second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


If you love everyone as you love yourself; your beliefs about them, how you label them and how you treat them will always be guided by Godly intentions.


Today we continue to question who is “us” and who is “them”. Like the Jews in Acts, we still use the Word of God to divide and define people by lifting up certain commandments to support theology based on secular criteria. Remember, Peter faced men who believed in the Resurrection of Jesus (i.e. they were saved) but felt the commandments they determined to be most relevant were the ones that mattered most. But Peter depended on scripture to settle the controversy not what would benefit him most. Avoid unfruitful arguments; focus on loving people. Remember, we can’t save anyone. Salvation is only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ.


In our next session I will bring home the message of our series, Walking the Talk. We will look at the impact of our witness when people are watching our actions more than they are listening to our words.


Father God,


We are surrounded by a fragmented culture, focused more on separation than salvation, we need you. Help create in us a clean heart and don’t allow us to focus on the “Great Commission” at the expense of your “Great Commandments”. We desire to live on the right side of your Word so that our lives more than our words will be the witness to those that need to know You.


In Jesus name we pray, Amen. 



Thank you for allowing me to speak into your life. Hey, spend a few moments of quiet time discovering your personal application of what you just read by clicking this link  myTime with God


We Were Not Saved To Be Silent

Dr. I. David Byrd September 15, 2019


“There is longer no Jew or Gentile . . .
you are all Christians . . .
one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28


Peter obeyed the Lord and went to Caesarea to tell Cornelius and those gathered with him the Good News of Jesus Christ. Peter’s words revealed a new understanding as his humility through Christ allowed him to serve others.


Peter’s witnessing paralleled that of the Gospel of Mark. (Acts 10:37-41)


The Book of Mark recounted Jesus’ perfect life from His baptism, to His ministry, to the miracles performed in Galilee and throughout Judea. His death on the cross, burial and in His resurrection scripture was fulfilled. Through His death, all sin is forgiven. Everyone sins and everyone needs to be saved. You can only be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Moreover, faith is available to everyone, not only for the Jews.


Upon hearing the Word of God through Peter, the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and all who heard the message. They were all baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. God speaks to people not only through their circumstances but also through the words of others. That’s why the message of August’s Journey, Do You Understand What You Are Reading, is so important. You can shine but if you don’t give them content, people won’t know what to do.


The key takeaway of Chapter 10 is not so much the conversion of Cornelius as the conversion of Peter. Peter was willing to remove barriers and set aside previous presuppositions, prejudices and pride. Peter entered the house of a Gentile, something that Jewish customs and traditions strictly prohibited. By entering a Gentile’s home, Peter showed that his heart and mind had changed. He was committed to the lifestyle Jesus commanded. While scripture tells us we are not to become like our neighbors; it also says God wanted His people to become a light to our neighbors who don’t know the true God.


We’ll pick up the story in Acts Chapter 15 next time. Where we will examine how Peter responded when challenged by his community for loving someone outside of his culture and community. Many of us want to be bold for Jesus, but sometimes we lack the courage to go against our communities’ presuppositions, prejudices and pride for fear of how we will be viewed or treated.


Father God,
Give us the boldness of Peter to be a living witness to all who don’t know you. Help us to be the leaders of culture rather than to be followers of culture. You didn’t save us to be silent. You called us to be a beacon of light to the world. So, strengthen our witness through our thoughts, lifestyle and most importantly our actions.


In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Thank you for allowing me to speak into your life. Hey, spend a few moments of quiet time discovering your personal application of what you just read by clicking this link  myTime with God