- The high school graduation rate is 86.2% in Broward County; 88% in Florida and 74% in Chicago Public Schools (US News)
- Less than half of High School graduates go on to college
- Economists found that low-income white children are equally likely to become low-income adults as their black counterparts. Race is not a determinant of economic mobility on an individual level.
- Only 8% of students who begin high school go on to graduate college with a 4-year college degree by their mid 20s.
These numbers add up to a heavy burden on the cultural and economic health of our society, but more pointedly, these numbers are a summation of thousands of tragic individual stories of real people whose opportunities are few and whose hopes are diminished.
2017 – 2021 IMPACT
CPS KCP(1) AA(2) DD(3)
Graduation Rate 74% 87% 67% 100%
College Immediacy(4) 82% 68% —- 100%
Source: Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Stats and Facts. www.cps.edu/schooldata, accessed 5/6/2017
(1) Fellow students at King College Prep High School
(2) African American students across all of CPS
(3) Participants in Destination Destiny relational activities
(4) Students who immediately transition to college
Actively engaged in community service 80%
Progressed to the next grade level 100%
Destination Destiny has inspired over 4,000 teens
The critical question of individuals, foundation and corporate donors is:
“How is my donation impacting lives through its mission?”
We have found that learning and evaluation methods that engage the students, leaders and other stakeholders in the process have been critical to developing our practical understanding of why and how specific initiatives achieve their outcomes. Our evaluations have enabled us to build practical knowledge about efforts that address the complex neighborhood social challenges young people face.
We understand how much donor’s value the data-driven approach for decision making. Because of this we differentiate
- inputs – the number of resources, both financial and non-financial, etc
- outputs – number of session held, the number of participants, etc.
- impact – the measure of how much better off the participants, or society as a whole, are as a result of our activities.
While the first two show the quantity of program services provided, it does not indicate whether any real benefits resulted; so our focus is on impact. Impact is not only measured at the end of our relational activities [programs], but is also measured over time. Our impact aligns with our vision and mission and is based on how well we have prepared students for the choices and decisions they have to make and the evidence of their conscious choices.
While we understand that Freshman On-Track is a critical make or break High School academic measure; we also understand that 10th grade is a critical social year when students begin to become comfortable in defining themselves. It is a year of critical, out of the classroom, life altering decisions influenced by peer pressure:
What crowd do I want to be part of now that I understand my school?
What image do I want project?
What do I need to do to get attention and be accepted?
Do I dummy down to fit in?
Why should I prioritize education over my social life?
The world promotes athletics and entertainment as my path for success. Do I really need to value education?
What are my possibilities?
Why should I jeopardize my friends for being a positive leader?
It’s all about how they choose to handle peer pressure. Most students are gifted to achieve when properly guided and supported. We ensure that their understanding of peer pressure is grounded in the exposures that develop their critical thinking skills to focus on a future larger than their school, block or community. Utilizing our Promotive Factors methodology allows us to connect in ways that builds the trust and relationships that leads to impact.
Since 2005 we have impacted student long term thoughts, choices and actions while positioning them to maximize their potential.
- High school graduates are more likely to vote, to have health insurance and to get a four year college degree.
- High school graduates live seven years longer than dropouts, and are 5-8 times less likely to be incarcerated.
- Households headed by high school graduates accumulate 10 times more wealth than those headed by dropouts.
- College graduates earn 60% more than high school graduates.
- College Graduates have increased personal/professional mobility, more hobbies and leisure activities, enhanced knowledge of world affairs, decreased levels of prejudice and improved quality of life for their offspring.
Economic Mobility changes the trajectory of lives!!!
Your support makes impact possible!!!
Newsletter Ads
Support the mission of Destination Destiny and advertise your products or services to our growing subscriber base of approximately 2,000 individuals. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extend allowed by law. On behalf of the students, I appreciate your consideration of helping us serve young people through exposing them and teaching them the importance of economic mobility.
COVID-19 Crisis Response
As the global coronavirus crisis continues to grow, we have created this fund to support children and families affected by the outbreak. Your donation will help us distribute essentials and emergency food relief to those left vulnerable by the pandemic.
Cultural exposure fund
We immerse students in environments to bring awareness that, “The world is bigger than their block.” These exposures shape their possibilities by expanding their world view.
College scholarship fund
Education opens the door of opportunity that enables students to achieve economic mobility. Destination Destiny provides scholarships for incidentals to help defer some of the cost of their educational pursuits.
General operating fund
Support critical infrastructure that enables us to provide – Programs: Accelerate, The Leadership Summit, Career Exploration, and Study Beyond Workshops: Character development and leadership training Mentoring: Youth, young adults, and nonprofit leader coaching Partnership: Partnering with larger organizations that provide food, housing, supplies, clothes, and serving opportunities for those in need Education: Conducting research and producing our bimonthly newsletter Thank you for your support.
You can also make checks payable to:
Destination Destiny Destination Destiny
333 W. North Ave, Suite 330 770 NE 38th Street, Suite R
Chicago, IL 60610 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Please designate the program or general operations in the memo line.
Destination Destiny is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and as such, your contributions are tax deductible under current IRS regulations.